The 3 Steps To Having Success - MIX BLOG

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Thursday, February 18, 2021

The 3 Steps To Having Success

 What's up. Coming at you with another blog another day, and great information that I surround myself with, that I'll give to you. Why not share it? You probably heard this one before, but may...

What's up. Coming at you with another blog another day, and great information that I surround myself with, that I'll give to you. Why not share it?

You probably heard this one before, but maybe let it slip by. I might say something you missed so listen up, and also repetition is the master teacher.

I'm going to be talking about making decisions. Making decisions in your life.

What are you accepting in your life? Are you living life to your highest potential? It's time to start and unleash your inner power.

Start making decisions that are going to take you towards your goal. So what do you need to have these things?

First to get good at making decisions you have to start making them. Go out there and start making decisions and take action towards them. The more you do this, the better you'll get at making decisions. It's like a muscle that you are growing with constant training.

Second, you got to understand that human beings operate on two things. To avoid pain and to gain pleasure. When you make decisions you operate on these two things.

That's why to start making the right decisions towards our goal we have to understand, what are our beliefs. What are our beliefs? Beliefs could have been placed when you were a child or in other situations that are holding you back from achieving your success.

You got to look at your decisions and understand that we operate on these two things, to avoid pain and to gain pleasure. Just become aware of this is the step.

The third step is to have a goal. What's your goal in life? What do you want to achieve? Let's be more specific. What goal do you want to achieve in the next year?

After you have this goal, write down how it will make you feel when you achieve it. Get familiar with it. Be grateful that you've achieved it.

Now that you have a pleasure that you want to accomplish you'll start to see things that you can do that will take you towards that goal. This is because you got good at making decisions in your life. You started to just start to take immediate decisions and in time you got better. Now you can have faster ideas that pop in your mind, on what you should do.

The thing is with beliefs that hold us back, we have pain associated with it. You have to change that belief and start to look at a new empowering belief that will help you achieve your goal. You have to see yourself having more pain not doing the activities that will help you get towards your success than of staying where you are.

This sounds simple and I'm not saying it is, it's up to you to decide it is. You can change your beliefs now, right now, but it's up to you to choose to.

Here's a good example. If you have your boss yell at you, and you go back home and in the car you hear your boss repeating that yell in your head over and over again this is causing pain that you are giving to yourself, making you enforce a belief.

First I would suggest you listen to audio in the car at all times. Audio of someone that has something that you don't have but that you desire to attain, because this will get you to have this after repetition, but that's for another time.

Okay, picture this now. Your boss is yelling at you, you see the background, there's a picture on the wall, there's a desk around, and then everything turns into a cartoon. The voices start to change, your boss grows mickey mouse ears. The scenario starts to rewind and everything just looks wacky. Does this involve pain to you anymore?

That's what you got to start doing with your pains you have now that are preventing your success. You have to start thinking of the pleasure that you will have of attaining it, and the pain you'll have to stay where you are right now.

Thank you for listening, now go and get to the top. You can achieve your goals. I know you can business Management Articles because I can.

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